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How to view your students, change their enrollment, and export your student lists

Chelsea Wilson avatar
Written by Chelsea Wilson
Updated over a week ago


  • In the Students tab in Maven, you can view lists of students at every stage of the enrollment journey.

  • Export your lists of students if needed. Do not add these emails to any other newsletter without students' express permission or opt-in.

  • Move students from one status or cohort to another or remove them from your course or waitlist.

How do I see my student lists?

The Students tab is where you'll go to keep a pulse on students in each of the following statuses:

  • waitlisted: students who joined your waitlist via your landing page, course interest survey, Lightning Lesson, or lead magnet pages

  • dropped off: students who visited the checkout screen of your course, but did not complete their enrollment

  • enrolled: students who have completed payment via your landing page and are now enrolled in your course

  • application incomplete*: students who started an application but did not submit it

  • applied*: students who have completed and submitted an application; you will need to accept them so they can pay and enroll

  • accepted*: students who you have accepted into the cohort, but have not yet paid to enroll

*only available in application-based courses. If you're using an application, here's a helpful article on how to accept students.

Your waitlist is shown for your whole course; all other student lists are separated by cohort. Here's how to toggle between cohorts and courses:

What emails are sent to students?

Each student status is tied to different automated email campaigns. You can read more about the emails available in this article. Here's an overview:

  • Dropped off students enter the "abandoned payment" campaign

  • Application incomplete students enter the "incomplete application" campaign

  • Applied students enter the "application received" campaign

  • Accepted students enter the "application accepted" campaign

  • Enrolled students get either the "enrolled" or "enrolled free" emails

  • Waitlist students get either the "joined waitlist" or cohort launch campaign

In addition to the automated emails, you can send each student group, including all course alumni, a custom, one-time broadcast email. Read more about how to send a broadcast email here.

How can I change my students' statuses?

If you need to move students between cohorts, select the student you wish to move, click the 3 dots next to their name, and select "edit." You can also take bulk action on students, such as accepting all students, moving all students, etc. by clicking the checkbox at the top of each list.

Keep in mind, when you move students to another cohort or status, it will trigger automated emails you might have set up. For example: moving a student from Applied in Cohort 2 to Accepted in Cohort 3 will trigger an acceptance email to send. If for some reason you don’t want these emails to send, you can disable the email campaign temporarily, move the students, and then enable the campaign again.

If you need to remove a student from the cohort, select the student name, click the 3 dots, and select "delete."

How do I manually add students?

If you need to manually add a student to your cohort, click the "+Add user" button near the top right of the screen in the Students tab and select the status for the student. You can add a student at any time. An email is required, and name is optional.

Check out more about adding students for free here.

Can I export my student lists?

You can export your lists of students as needed. Maven's terms and instructor agreement prohibit importing this list to any external newsletters without students permission or opt in.

To download a list of students, select the "download" button near the top right of the Students tab and filter for which student lists you want exported. You'll then get a downloaded CSV.

Can I import lists of students?

We don't currently offer the ability to import students. Maven staff can add a waitlist for you, but otherwise students in enrolled, accepted, etc. statuses need to be manually added one-by-one. Please email us at [email protected] if you need a waitlist imported; check out this article for what information to send us.

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