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Send an email to students

How to email your students using the Broadcast Email feature

Chelsea Wilson avatar
Written by Chelsea Wilson
Updated over a week ago


  • Send a one-time email to students directly from the Maven Emails tab.

  • Pick from one of these student groups when sending your email: waitlisted, dropped off (or applied + application incomplete for courses that use an application), currently enrolled, or all course alumni.

  • Track sends, opens, and clicks for sent broadcast emails.

How to send an email

In the Emails tab of your course, click "New email" in the top right corner of the screen. From the "Send to" drop-down, select either your waitlist, alumni, or enrolled students in a cohort. From each cohort, you can further drill down into a specific group of students.

Recommended emails

Check out the specific automated emails available for:

Here are some additional email ideas to send using the "New email" feature:

Waitlist: send an email to your waitlist with a special offer, like a free workshop or with a time-sensitive message. Use the cohort launch campaign to market your course when it's opened for enrollments.

Current cohort / enrolled: before the first workshop, send an orientation email welcoming students to your cohort. You can also send post-workshop emails highlighting related resources and projects you've assigned.

Current cohort / accepted: last call to enroll. Keep in mind these students may also receive one of the automated follow-up emails but you can always send a final "last call" email prompting them to claim their spot and pay for your course.

Current cohort / applicants (after registration close): thank them for applying but due to an overwhelming number of applications, the cohort is full but they should look forward to future cohorts.

Past cohort / enrolled: ask your past students to refer your course to friends and colleagues. Include a referral code with a small discount (~10%) so that you know exactly which new students came from past student referrals.

Past cohort / applicants: if they're still on the applicant list because you simply ran out of room in your previous cohort, invite past applicants to apply again if they're still interested.

Past cohort / accepted: you wanted this group in your previous cohort but they didn't enroll from your acceptance for some reason. Again, invite them to apply to your course again.

All course alumni: these students took your course and loved it. Now, ask for referrals, testimonials, or share a new offering with this group.

Email variables

When you send a broadcast email in Maven, you'll have the opportunity to insert custom variables that will further personalize your message. Here are the available options:

{{ StudentName }}: personalize your message with your students' full names; if they do not have a name entered on their Maven profile, the default will be "there" (ex. "Hey there" vs. "Hey Chelsea")

{[ CourseName }}: the current name of your course; you can adjust this in your course Settings

{{ CourseLink }}: if sent to a non-enrolled student, this will link to your landing page. If sent to an enrolled student, this will link to your course community

{[ CohortStartDate }}: the start date and time for your next cohort; you can adjust this in your course Settings

{{ CohortEndDate }}: the end date and time for your next cohort; you can adjust this in your course Settings

{{ CohortName }}: the name of your next cohort; you can adjust this in your course Settings

{{ PortalOpenDate }}: the time and date that the community opens for students and any syllabus items without a specific release date are visible to enrolled students

{{ StudentShareLink }}: a unique share link for your students or alumni to share your course landing page; we’ll help you track new leads and students that come from each link

{{ KeyOutcomesSection }}: the key outcomes section from your landing page builder.

{{ ScheduleSection }}: the schedule section from your landing page builder.

{{ TargetAudienceSection }}: the target audience section from your landing page builder.

{{ SyllabusSection }}: the syllabus section from your landing page builder.

{{ TestimonialsSection }}: the testimonials section from your landing page builder.

{{ InstructorBioSection }}: the instructor bio(s) section from your landing page builder.

{{ FAQSection }}: the FAQ section from your landing page builder.

{{ InstructorName }}: the name(s) of the course instructor(s).

Note: All emails sent from the "New email" feature will contain an unsubscribe link. Here is the copy for the unsubscribe footer: “P.S. This was written and sent by me using Maven’s email platform, and all replies go to my inbox. Please click here to unsubscribe.”

If a student unsubscribes from any email associated with your course, they are unsubscribing from commercial emails related to your course, but will still receive relevant informational emails. For instance, if a student unsubscribes from one of your waitlist emails but later enrolls in your course, they will still receive all relevant emails sent to enrolled students.

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