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Connected reviews on your landing page
Connected reviews on your landing page

Maven automatically displays student reviews on your landing page to show the impact of your course to prospective students

Chelsea Wilson avatar
Written by Chelsea Wilson
Updated over a week ago


  • To help browsing students see the impact your course has had on your former students, we now show student-provided reviews on your landing page.

  • All landing pages have a Reviews section that shows up automatically once you have at least 3 student reviews. This section cannot be removed or hidden. Please reach out to [email protected] if you have questions about this.

  • Reviews are pulled from your post-course survey, where students provide public reviews. Student names are attached to all reviews.

  • On your landing page, reviews are shown in order of recency.

Reviews on your landing page

How do students provide reviews?

Students can provide a review for your course on the automated post-course survey sent to all enrolled students. Reviews are pulled directly from student responses to the question "Leave a review for this course." You will be able to see all reviews in the Surveys tab of your course; your reviews will show on your landing page once you have 3 or more student-provided reviews.

How will student reviews show on my landing page?

Here is how your reviews will appear on your landing page:

Reviews on your landing page include:

  • the student's course rating (in 5 star format)

  • their written review (response to the question "Leave a review for this course" on the post-course survey)

  • the student's profile picture (if provided)

  • the student's preferred name

  • the student's professional position/ job title (if provided)

  • the student's company name (if provided)

  • the name of the cohort the student was enrolled in

If students wish to keep information like their company name or profile picture private, they can remove this information from their Maven profile at The review on your course landing page pulls information directly from students' profiles, any any updates they make there are automatically reflected in the review posted on your landing page.

As of October 2023, you must publish your landing page for the reviews to show. In the future, once your landing page is published with a reviews section, we will likely auto publish once new reviews come in so you won't need to manually publish your page to show newer reviews.

If you have 3 or more reviews, we will automatically show the reviews section in the landing page editor, but the reviews won't show on your course landing page until you publish your landing page again. If your course has less than 3 reviews, you will still see the Reviews section in your landing page editor with a note showing that the section will appear once the course has 3 or more reviews.

In your landing page editor, the Reviews section is not moveable and you are not able to hide it. Additionally, so that the reviews are not duplicative of testimonials you've added to your landing page, the Testimonials section will be hidden if it appears right next to your Reviews section in your landing page editor. To show your testimonials, you can move the Testimonials section and it can be unhidden in your landing page editor.

The Reviews section and individual reviews cannot be hidden or removed from your landing page. Keep in mind that it's important for browsing students to see the impact your course has had on previous students. We believe that showing reviews for your course will help with conversion, as students want as much information as possible about your course and your teaching style before they enroll. You can email [email protected] if you have questions or concerns about a review. We'll investigate the review and the possibility of hiding or removing it on a case-by-case basis.


  1. How do students provide reviews?

    1. They provide a public-facing answer to the question "Leave a review for this course." This is a required question on your post-course survey.

  2. Can I delete or hide all reviews?

    1. Once your landing page is published with reviews, they cannot be hidden or removed. You can email [email protected] if you have questions or concerns about your reviews.

  3. Can I delete or hide individual reviews?

    1. Reviews cannot be hidden or removed on an individual level. You can email [email protected] if you have questions or concerns about individual reviews.

  4. I published my CLP with reviews but now I don't want them to show. Can I revert to the previous version with no reviews?

    1. No, once published, we cannot revert your landing page to a previous version.

  5. Is there a limit to the number of reviews showing?

    1. No there is no limit to the number of reviews that show. We only show 6 reviews at a time on pages that can be clicked through.

  6. How are the reviews ordered?

    1. They are shown in order of recency. The most recent reviews are shown first, regardless of rating.

If you have further questions, please reach out to [email protected].

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