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Engaging your waitlist

Build trust and add value to your waitlist through regular nurture emails

Chelsea Wilson avatar
Written by Chelsea Wilson
Updated over a week ago


  • Regularly engaging with your waitlist can double your conversion rate.

  • The goal of nurture emails is to deliver high quality content to interested students, so you can build trust and showcase your expertise.

  • Use Maven's waitlist campaign to send automated emails.

Once you capture a prospective student’s email, you should aim to build trust with them. The more familiar your prospective students are with you, the more likely they are to enroll when you open enrollment for your course.

Maven has found that waitlists with regular email intervals can lead to ~10% conversion while a direct email blast has ~5% conversion. This means sending periodic, short emails to your waitlist can double your enrollments. The goal of these “nurture emails” is to deliver high quality content to interested students, so you can build trust and showcase your expertise.

Here are ideas for engaging your waitlist:

  • Get students to book a call with you

  • Preview lessons from your course, such as breaking down a specific module, framework, or template

  • Share testimonials and success stories

  • Share a personal story of why you built this course and how it will help them

  • Offer a free workshop

  • Get referrals

You can set up a waitlist campaign quickly and easily using Maven's automated emails. The default copy was written by the Maven marketing team and is already optimized for conversion. Jump in today:

Check out this email template and examples below for inspiration 👇

1. Drive students to book a call with you

In this nurture email from Eva Keiffenheim, the call-to-action (CTA) is to book a 1:1 call, which is one of the best ways to convert students.

2. Highlight student success stories

In this nurture email from Preethi Kasireddy, she highlights student success stories. Alumni stories, client references, and testimonials are great fodder for nurture emails.

3. Ask for referrals

In between cohorts, Demand Curve sends an email to its waitlist to (1) ask for referrals, and (2) educate recipients about when to ask for referrals. Since DemandCurve is a marketing agency, this is relevant to their audience’s interest.

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