We strongly recommend following the title format X skill for Y persona or outcome.
Write at least 10 course name ideas to get ideas flowing.
A good title is descriptive, juicy, and urgent
Set your course name in Settings > General
Generate 10-15 course name ideas
When coming up with a name for your course, you'll write 10 bad ideas before finding one good idea. Your first step is to write 10-15 titles.
As you brainstorm, feel free to be more descriptive rather than concise. The goal is not to come up with a pithy title—it's to generate lots of ideas. Once your ideas start flowing, you'll find a golden nugget in the list.
Here's a brainstorming document from a course about product strategy. The instructor wrote a dozen action-oriented, "how to" statements before landing on one she liked.
A great course name is descriptive, juicy, and urgent
It can be tempting to want to coin a catchy term like "Atomic Habits" (James Clear) or "Purple Cow" (Seth Godin). But most students browsing the Maven marketplace prefer a clear and descriptive title that tells them exactly what they'll learn.
A great course name is:
Descriptive: clearly states what the course is about
Juicy: enticing and compelling
Urgent: solves a vexing problem
Here are a few examples. Notice how they are all descriptive and clear. They follow the format: X skill for Y persona or outcome.
Technical Foundations for Product Managers (Colin Matthews)
Managing Your PM Career in 2023 & Beyond (Shreyas Doshi)
Financial Fluency for Product Leaders (Giff Constable)
AI for Product Managers (Mustafa Kapadia)
Branding Strategy for Growth-Stage Leaders (Kira Klaas)
Speak Like An Executive - Next Level Public Speaking & Presentation Skills (Harriette Cole)
Action: Set your course name
To set your course name, go to Settings > General